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Get in touch

Thande Beach Hotel warmly welcome you to splendor of deluxe facilities and you will find not only the comfort but also friendly personal service absolutely the best. You can find us on below address.

Hotel Address

Thande Beach Hotel

Shwe War Chaing , Mya Pyin Village, Ngapali,

Thandwe District, Rakhine State, Myanmar.

Tel: +95 43 20 42178, 20 42179, 20 42278, 20 42279

Hotline: +959 444403384


Yangon Sales & Reservation Office

No. 75/D, Corner of Banyardala Road & Phoe Sein Road, Bahan Township Yangon, Myanmar.

Hotline: +95-9-43201876, +959 4298 21304, +959 7733 61136, +959 4320 1876

Tel: +959 7754 66625

Fax: +951 577535



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